I miss all you LJ friends T__T But to be honest, I have been too lazy to post these days 8D I have been back for 2 days already >_> *smacked*
Imma post about my trip in Japan... soon? Cause I don't want to forget this experience as well xD
Other than that... let's take a look at this year's resolution
1. Work harder, stop procrastinating <- every year's resolution
2. DON'T BE JEALOUS OF JAPANESE UVERFANS <-- important resolution that is very hard to achieve
3. attitude problem <-- every year's resolution as well
4. SAVE MONEY <-- relates to #2
5. Treasure my friends more <-- Of course
6. Stop abandoning my sites >_>
And right, I totally forgot to post about my exam results @.@
I swear it's all the luck I stole from you guys :3 Thank you ><
Subject Units of Credit Grade
Academic English 10 A PLUS
Australian Studies 12 A PLUS
Computing Studies 6 A PLUS
Design 12 A PLUS
Mathematics - Essentials 8 A PLUS
Total Units Of Credit 48
Grade Point Average 10.0
I am sure they moderated a lot, because remember previously? I got a C+ in my design >_>