Apr 23, 2007 10:06
I went to the doctor last week to get my Lexapro prescription re-filled and the nurse weighed me at 187 pounds, the MOST I have ever weighed in my life. So, this weekend when I went to Aunt Susan’s house, for Rachel’s baby shower, I asked Sue and Mel about Weight Watchers, b/c I know they have participated before. And, *trumpets blare* I joined Weight Watchers FOR MEN -as they like to remind you. Ever web page has a healthy looking, and very attractive *part* of a man; his arm, shoulder, back of head, butt (yum yum), and I guess they do that so that the fat man web-viewer can identify with this thin arm reaching for a bottle of low fat milk only 2 points.
So, I factored in Friday and Saturday (the day of the shower) to get a feel for where I am starting from and, I must say, this Points Bullshit takes planning! It was finally today that I stayed under my points, and that’s only b/c I did yoga for an hour and only drank half a beer. But, I am full. I had a peanut butter sandwich and no-fat yogurt for breakfast, pasta with sauce for lunch, and for dinner I had frozen bag of Brussels Sprouts w/ 1 TBL salsa, 1 TBL cream of corn soup and s&p and it was only 1 PT! I must be doing something wrong.... I’m sure sweet Melly-Mel will let me know if my points are off. Tomorrow for breakfast I am having an english muffin with one egg and one slice of canadian bacon topped with 1/2 slice of kraft cheese. The Point Tracker system tells me this is only 6 points so I’m excited.