When Jean Paul Gaultier’s new woman’s fragrance, Classique, came out in 1993, my media- and packaging- loving ass just wasn’t prepared. I really feel that fragrance and my life at that time really made me who I was for the following 5 years. I was living with Zach in that apartment on Parker and Woodward and we watched MTV like fiends. And there was this commercial for Jean Paul Gaultier’s new fragrance that featured these futuristic shiny models singing in French and talking about Safe Sex. This was the time in my life when I was working at the Austin Public Library, so all I did was read magazines and I knew ALL the models names, like they were my friends, or something. Anyway, there’s them and there’s some old woman who turns into Jean-Paul. And there’s sushi.
I had never had sushi and all it took was seeing that commercial exactly twice to decide that having sushi is fabulous and By God I was going to have sushi. WELL, I had just gotten my first credit card in the mail and thought I had just been given a big bag of money for Christmas, so I charged Eat Out In to bring me some expensive-ass sushi from that place on Congress above the Elephant Room that I don‘t think is there anymore. What was it called? At any rate...we ate sushi while we dolled ourselves up to go out to the 404 that night. That was pretty much the beginning of the end of my credit-ability and any possibility of graduating college on time. BUT. I had a TON of fun.
You can find that commercial on YouTube here: