Wow....Its been almost four months since I left UMBC and when I come back it will have been 9
I seem to have lost contact with almost all of ya....sorry about that I've been kinda anti-social and not really my self the past couple of weeks...kinda why I haven't been online much at all anymore but Im over for being M.I.A
Let me tell ya...You respect UMBC and how tough it is so much more when you go spend a semester somewhere else. I mean you learn the same stuff essentially here but wow..FCC is Class A baseball compared to The Major League UMBC
Daniel, you're buffalo theory on drinking may be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard...but hey it made me laugh and hopefully you were drunk when you wrote that
Im real psyched for the tournament...except for stupid maryland not being in
My Final Four/Five are: Arizona, Wake Forest (still debating Gonzaga), North Carolina, and Syracuse
The Redskins are losing everybody left and right but I like this...The skins needed to take a stance with their checkbooks and the loss of Smoot wont hurt too too bad because Sean Taylor is a very good cover safety
I've gained 6 pounds somewhere but I really dont see it and I'm pretty sure its not thats good
Honestly, the most awkward moment ever in my art art teacher referenced Madonna's Material girl and sang some lyrics because one of the paintings reminded him of awkward
Plans aren't definite but in all likelihood I wont be coming up to UMBC til probably Quadmania...hopefully it will be kick ass and well worth it