(no subject)

May 24, 2005 23:09

I had my first day of work today. They put me in a classroom that I was not orginally going to work in but the children are young so my mother said it was okay (it is not in a real school so you know these kids are pretty bad and I have been told that I should not work w/ the older kids b/c they will hit on me and are more agressive - the ones on the campus tend to be emotionally disturbed). The class was pretty much a bunch of severely developmentally delayed w/ behavioral problems. It was not too bad and I would work in that class again if necessary. BOCES has a whole bunch of other kinds of classes in real schools so I don't know where I will sub next time.

Tomorrow I have the second of two classes for lifeguard recertification. Yesterday was a disaster. I signed up for the class at the Rye YMCA b/c the Red Cross person I talked to told me they moved the date (it was scheduled there in June). Well I showed up at the Y and there was only old ladies doing a water aerobics class. I waited for a while and called Red Cross where the lady told me that the class was supposed to be there and I told her that i was at the Y, there was no class, and the people who worked at the front desk knew nothing about it. The class in not refundable and is $150 so I was pissed. They were having the same class at Westchester Community College but it started at 9 and it was already 9:30. The lady finally told me that even though I would be late she would get the instructor to let me into the other class. I got to the other class over an hour after it started but the guy was able to catch me up in about five minutes. Luckly it is a review course so I am not learning anything new. I have the second half tomorrow (CPR, AED, first aid, and the rest of the in water stuff).

UCP called me and wants me to lifeguard on the weekends. She asked me how much I expected to get paid. I told her I was paid about $10 an hour last year. I didn't expect any more b/c UCP is mostly government funded so they don't pay much. However, she asked me if it was okay if they would pay me a bit more - $12 an hour. Do I mind? - of course not. I usually work there from 9-5 without any breaks so i should be able to make a few extra hundred dollars.

Hopefully I shall be seeing Anna and Cole this weekend. I am looking forward to it. New York City?
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