(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 02:31

After starting my day at 5:43 AM, my day has finally come to a close and all I can say is - TODAY WAS AMAZING!

I woke up a 5:43 so that Dave could drive us up to the field to help set up for Sundaze (our music festival hosted by Virgin College Mega Tour). We got there at 6:30. I had so much fun helping out - I felt like I was an "involved" college student - plus we got special t-shirts and wristbands to allow us backstage and the security guard at the gate would nod at me when I went backstage - I love nods of importance and specialness

There was so much to do - we put up the stage, built a road, cut down trees by that road, set up and handed out promotions (frisbees, beachballs, water bottles, t-shirts), set up tents, set up food for the bands (Robbers on High Street, Gomaz, and Cake (they wanted some weird combos of food)), be security for the singers (me as security for Cake - even I was amused), watch some student get arrested after he ran onto the stage while Cake was playing. It was amazing! I am so glad that I decided to help out even though it was such a long day.

I met so many new people today. It was great. However, I don't remember most of their names and I am sure that they will recognize me around campus and I will be my normal oblivious self.

I left the field at 10:30 and there was still an hour and a half of unloading to do but I was so cold that I was not of much use - it was a lot of heavy lifting because we had to completely take apart the large stage.

I was able to avoid the semi-formal issue b/c I was still w/ the UP people taking apart Sundaze. When I got back I met up with some of the boys before they were going to Sig Ep for a party - they allowed me to change b/c the theme was popped collars ("Collars Pop. Panties Drop). Molly came with us - I was so happy - it was the first time I have been to a party with her - we spent most of the time talking to Mark and this guy we met today - Jason- who seems pretty nice. Molly and I shared a sex on the beach which was really good and later Mark got us another drink but I didn't like it so I only had one sip - it had coffee and banana in it - two things I am not really fond of. We had fun. The kitchen was getting crowded so I moved to the living room where Jason started dancing with me. Then Mark came in and he was dancing with me. It was a little awkward with the two of them there but I enjoyed it. Mark was disappointed when I left with Molly and Drew - Molly says I need to decide what I want from him b/c he obviously thinks we have something going on - you could see it in his face when I said I was leaving. Anyway, we walked back and stopped at Pandinis. My feet are killing me because I have been standing up all day.

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