(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 23:20

Registration for the Fall 2005 semester is tomorrow - ahhhh!
Actually it shouldn't be that bad because I have sophmore standing so I get to register tomorrow instead of Thursday with most of the freshmen (there are quite a few of us with sophmore standing). I will have a better chance in getting the classes I want. Most of my classes are pysch classes which have big lectures so it isn't really a problem getting into them. Next semester I plan on taking Cognitive Psychology, Personality, Basic Statistics (hopefully I get into the recitation that I want but there is another one that I can fit into if need be - i shouldn't have any problems). I am going to take one more class but I have to decide which one. I have narrowed it down to either Elementary Latin I, which is three credits or Medicine & Society, which is four credits. I do not need a language but my advisor suggested taking one b/c she says that if I keep my grades up I will be eligable for Pi (Phi?) Beta Kappa, which requires a language and according to my mother is a prestigious honor. However, the other class will cover one of the requirements for my psych major. Latin is only offered in the fall. One of my current professors is teaching the Medicine & Society class so I am going to ask her if it is offered in the spring - if it is than I will take it then because it sounds interesting. There are other classes I could take, like Ethics, that would fit my major, but I am trying to narrow it down, not expand my options.

I think I have a plan for my life. I will do the five year education program here, so I will double major in psych and education. That will get me certified to teach. I plan on teaching elementry school while going to grad school to become a psychologist. Hopefully I will eventually have my own practice in child psychology.

I think I have a job for this summer as well. I will be working as an aide in a BOCES (special ed) summer school classroom. This will be similar to being a counsellor at the camp I worked at for three summers - only better pay ($90 a day) and hopefully less dirty work (less to no changing and toileting)

I went swimming today. It felt so good to get back into the pool and just swim. I hope to do it again on Thursday (but maybe with Molly)

Sundaze (our big music event - Cake and several other artists are coming) is on Saturday. I am excited. I have to wake up at 6:00 in the morning because I am working at it. However, it should be fun - free t-shirts and other items. I am excited to work there because I think it will help me feel like an involved college student. Plus I could work security if I wanted to - I would get the best view of the stage but I would have to catch any crowd surfers. I will consider it.

I should get back to may term paper for arch history - I have it written it is just in major need of grammatical revision because the professor is so picky.
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