(no subject)

Apr 09, 2005 01:47

I think that I may be making this journal friends-only. I am not really sure who reads this journal but I have a feeling that there is at least one person who reads it but does not have a journal of their own to share. I am willing to friend anyone who has a journal - I just feel that if I allow someone to read my thoughts than I should be able to read theirs as well. I like to know who reads my journal so that I am sure not to offend anyone in any way. I just don't think that it is fair for someone to be able to read everyone else's journals without giving anything in return. I don't know why this is bothering me all of the sudden. If anyone has any objections than they can leave a comment and I will take it into consideration. Most of the people who read this are my high school friends (or people from other various stages of my life). I want to be able to tell them about my college experiences and vent when necessary without worrying about someone at college reading this and taking it the wrong way - most of the time when I vent I just need to get something off my chest and it doesn't really mean that much to me - I just need to say it or it will build up. I cannot vent about college friends while I am at school because I will not (or at least I try not to) talk poorly about a friend to people that we are both friends with - it is not fair to anyone in that situation. Anyway the point is if you want to read my journals tell me and I have no problem friending you. If anyone out there (journal or not) has any objections please tell me and I will take all imput into consideration. I know this sounds completely odd but it is what I am feeling at the moment and it is something that has been bugging me for a while. I think it will make me a little less paranoid that someone at school is reading this journal with the possibility of misinterpreting it but not confronting me with it and holding it against me. Anyway enough psycho babble.
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