(no subject)

Mar 19, 2005 01:27

I seem to be on an updating kick - enjoy it while it last because knowing me I will stop updating after a few more posts until I become bored again several months later.
I just saw Finding Neverland at Kenner Theater (our on campus theater that shows free movies on Friday and Saturday night with free popcorn and soda - the movie are always in b/w the movie theater and dvd). I went with a bunch of friends. My Sig Ep boys are on a road trip so I won't see them until saturday night - they don't know where they are going - its a pledge thing. We then played a few rousing rounds of Scategories.
Last night I was incredibly bored (hence the posting) but I found something to do - it was St. Patrick's day - the day of parties. Drew was going up to Sig Ep and asked me if I wanted to go. I was a little wary of going to a party on a weekday, especially on one of the biggest drinking nights, but I was very bored and I like going to parties with Drew. So Drew, Jim, and Greg took me up to "the hill" (Lehigh is on a mountain and the frats/sorieties are above the campus on "the hill") for the first time for my first thursday night party. I am glad I went because I had a good time. I have been to some of Sig Ep's off-campus parties but never one at the house. It was relatively calm (their last off-campus party was packed beyond belief and the drunks were crowd surfing - bad idea) just a bunch of people hanging around, playing beirut, drinking, talking. I didn't drink - just had a few sips of Jim's drink(s) - they didn't have much that I liked. Just beer (will not try), jungle juice (tried Jim's - not too bad but I understand why people say you have to be careful with it - it has very little alcohol taste but is more potent than beer), and jello shots (for girls only - didn't have any desire). Anyway, it was fun and I am glad I went. I didn't get to wear any of my new "party clothes" becuase they are not green but Jamie promised me we will go out next weekend and I can wear them then.
Anyway, I should go.
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