Because school sucks. I went back today after my 2 and a half week break and blahhhh! I like school. I just hate the life-sucking, soul-destroying institution of homework. Hence why I'm not in APUSH (AP US History, aka most work heavy class at my school) even though I adore history and plan on being a history teacher.
I wrote half of chapter 2 already and I'll try to write more tonight but my teachers obviously want to destroy me. Or they're trying to teach me responsibility. I'm going for the first one.
Anyways, I'm sorry if I'm taking too long with it but you'd rather wait a week for something good than get something crappy and rushed right away, right? I thought so.
My research paper topic is.... THE DRINKING AGE! and why it being 21 is ridiculous.
Okay, so I'm not one of those kids who goes out and gets wasted every weekend. Trust me, I'd rather play Sims. Plus, I'm diabetic and alcohol messes with my blood sugar so, even when I turn 21, I probably won't be drinking much anyway. It's the whole double standard thing. Every other thing is 18 and yet this one age is 21? It makes absolutely no sense.
My paper on it that I printscreened and hosted so all my neopets guild friends could read it a while ago and if you wanna read my whole argument (complete with annotations!)
This isn't in my paper from last year but I'll be putting it in my research paper for this year. The United States doesn't have a national driving age (Contrary to popular belief, it's not 16 everywhere. I know for a fact it's 17 in New Jersey and as low as 14 in some of the more rural states like North Dakota.) or a national age of consent (It's not 18 everywhere. In New York it's 17 and in Hawaii it was 14 until 2001 when they changed it to 16).
Sorry if I rambled. I'm just pretty worked up about it and it goes deeper than just trying to get away with drinking earlier. Oh, and when the law that set the age at 21 was enacted in 1984, it was optional. It's still optional. Oh, but if a state wants to change there drinking age to 18 or 19, or even 20, the national government will cut back 10% on their state funding for highways. Seriously, wtf? It's not stopping drunk driving or alcohol poisoning. The average age of a drunk driver is 33 for crying out loud! And that's straight off the Mothers Against Drunk Driving's website.
Ugh, I'm so mad. At least I'm fired up I guess. It should make writing the paper easier. Or harder because it'll be more difficult to keep an academic, unbiased voice.
Blahhhh, school. That is all.