[IC] Transforming

Oct 16, 2008 22:11

So many thoughts have plagued his mind since he was brought here. Thoughts of others, the hows and whys of the Island, and above all, the past and future. People and culture had changed so much over time, and he feels quite old-fashioned among them, with some difficulty fitting in. Not just in mind and speech, but in body, too.

Yet still... they were nice. They actually wanted to be friends with him... though maybe he had just been lucky, and had just managed to avoid contact with unfriendly people so far. But even if they are few, an unexplainable warmness fills his mind thinking about them, his friends. Friendship is certainly a strange and wonderful thing.

He tries to clear his mind of these thoughts, tries to relax. A soft purple glow in his sensors indicate the use of Amnesia, carefully pushing away uneeded worries. Leaves sway in the low breeze, sighing and letting warm sunlight dance upon his armour. It would be all too easy to fall asleep in this tranquil setting, but he has to focus.

Concentrating, and trying to stay relaxed at the same time, he visualizes: being human, proper sight, having fun with his friends, belonging. His sensors begin to glow once more, slowly turning a bright white. He calls up some of the power deep within him, and the beginnings of a Flash Cannon form in front of him, before he notices and hastly swats it away, his focus broken. Transforming doesn't need that type of power, he supposes.

His first failure disappoints and discourages him somewhat, and he's reluctant to try again. But he thinks of Shaymin, Latias and the others... they believe in him, and he knows deep inside him that he'll be able to do it eventually. He starts to concentrate again, thinking of their help and advice, of all the possibilities for the future, willing for it to happen.

His sensors glow white.


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