Aug 18, 2008 15:31
McCain really galls me. He has the audacity to claim that Obama tried to legislate failure in Iraq just because he voted against authorizing a troop increase. He claims that Obama put his own self-interest over the country's interest. There are just a few problems with those assertions:
Surge or no surge, the Iraq war is not and has never been in America's interests. And it's the Bush administration and its supporters who have put their own self-interest (and that of their friends) ahead of America's interest.
It's sad to see McCain using the tired old Republican tactic of accusing his opponent of doing exactly what he himself is doing. It just goes to show that Republican politicians have no moral principles whatsoever, and will stoop to any level in their quest to retain power.
And I still have a hard time supporting Obama after he voted for the FISA amendments. But McCain has shown himself to be cut from the same cloth as the current office holders.
My only question is, why doesn't Obama rip McCain to shreds (rhetorically, I mean)? He certainly seems capable, the country needs a breath of fresh air, and McCain richly deserves it.