(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 21:25

ok im finally gonna update cus this just sickens me so much.

i found this picture of this kid online. and its just disturbing what theyve done to a perfectly good GIBSON SG! it was probably a gothic SG, but a pink pickguard added on?! wtf! and then theres a blink 182 sticker on the edge, that makes it so much worse! wat kind of guitarist would be proud to have a gibson with a blink 182 sticker on it! thats like putting a "my child is on the honor roll" bumper sticker on a porsche. blink 182 stickers belong on fender strats, just like how honor roll stickers belong on garbage cans.

on the otherhand, it could've been another brand, and not gibson, but if it were, they must suck to copy the SG model almost perfectly. if it is another brand, thatd make it even worse, buying a fake SG and then wrecking it with a pink pickguard and blink 182 sticker.

her guitars not plugged into the amp and her amps not plugged into the wall either.

ok i feel better now that ive vented.
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