Sep 18, 2006 17:26
So all was going fine today...until I actually arrived at college. *rolls eyes*
My tutor hands me a note from the Head of Maths which tells me to go and see her at the end of the day. Well I only had two lessons this morning so I went and saw her at break time. She tells me that because I didn't get a C in Maths, I have to resit the exam, aswell as take the classes!!
I was completely gobsmacked. I'm already taking 3 subjects this year, and she knows about my M.E. Not only that, but it was the school that messed up on my Maths GCSE, not me! They gave me the wrong damn paper! *pulls hair out*
I told her that I didn't think it would be possible for me to take up Maths classes because it would be too much of a risk for my health but she made me write down all my free periods and said she was going to see if she could fit me in to a class anyway, because it's "school policy".
She was so blunt with me, I just didn't know what to say! I just nodded, wrote down my free's and left. When I got home I cried to mum who told me to ring Mrs. Cox (the school's SENCO). She's been such a great help to me over the last few years. Without her, I doubt I would have got a secondary education. I left her a message and now I'm just waiting for a reply.
Anyway, I just really needed to vent. So...yeah. *shrugs*
*goes off to scream about stupid school*