Well I have finally had a good day. :D Make that two actually. :-) Don't ask me why, i've just felt happier and I'm not in a crippling amount of pain. I'm achy, yes, but it's ok because I can cope with it. :D
I couple of weeks ago mum and I booked our tickets to see Cirque du Soleil's performance of Alegria. And the tickets arrived in the most this morning!! Now I've got to wait until January 13th. *groans*
This website explains about the show and has a video clip. It looks fantastic.
http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/CirqueDuSoleil/en/showstickets/alegria/intro/intro.htm I saw their production of La Nouba in Florida last year and that was amazing.
We've had quite an afternoon as well. I baby bird suddenly fell from the sky and landed in our garden. One of the cats leapt at it and I leapt at the cat, gave her a shake, and she let go. I somehow managed to catch this bird while it was running around on the decking. *rolls eyes* It was pretty fiesty but it looked injured, so I put it in the cat carrier and phoned the vets. they told me to bring it down so mum drove me over. The poor bird was not keen on the car journey.
They had a look and apparently there was nothing wrong with it! Lol!
So we drove back and I put it under a bush. Within minutes a mother bird was calling for it and off they went!! Lol! Quite exciting really. :P
I'm hopefully gonna go shopping tomorrow and get a tiara for my prom. :D