(no subject)

Nov 23, 2006 01:32

Plan A: Study math at MSU and get a job teaching calculus to well behaved, intelligent, mature high school students.

Plan B: Go to Party Planner school.

Plan C: Transfer to Schoolcraft and join their culinary program. Upon graduation, open an astoundingly successful diner/cafe/restaurant (possible math theme).

Plan D: Transfer to Schoolcraft and join their culinary program. Upon graduation, start a culinary cruise through the Great Lakes.

Plan E: Drop out of MSU, live at home, and take culinary classes at OCC. (possible living at home forever)

Plan F: Move to Chicago and forget everyone (except my family).

Plan G: Become a Who and live in Whoville forever and ever.

Plan H: Make a living crotcheting blankets and scarves and sell them as I travel the world.

Is this seriously all I can come up with?

Plan I: Get my captain's license and drive boats.

Plan J: Acquire a sailboat and live eating fish and pirating rich people's stuff. Seriously, people don't tend to lock their boats.

Plan K: Move to Park City and teach ski lessons.

Plan L: Live at home forever.

My plan sucks.
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