Jan 15, 2005 23:42
Sweet. LJ is finally back up. See Damien, what did I tell you? When it got back up, I wouldnt want to blog anymore and then when I wanted to (which I do now), I'd forget what I wanted to say. Anyways.
Bowling went extremely well today, I was so frikkin happy. Well, not the actual score. But shit, I was finally throwing it like I'm supposed to, and I finally have my goddamn hook that I'm supposed to. (15+ boards) And wow, everything was going well. xD I moved 4 boards to the right, which I always THOUGHT about doing, but I never did. But I should've, because it works so well. So now, I'm standing at like 12. Pretty far right. Considering I mark with my left foot too. xD Whoops.
My friend also showed me like, THE coolest tutorials, and I made THE coolest thing today..I'd show it to you guys, but I'm afraid of bastards stealing it. It's also over 1000K, for some weird reason. So, like, photobucket would shrink it.
I think I like this guy. He's just like, THE cutest little thing ever. Like, not in a childish way, but he's SO nice. And he's got the sweetest smile, and he's so nice, and he's quiet/shy (love that xP) and like, I can always make him laugh. I love it. xP His name is Travis. Ahh, what a cute kid. Damien keeps telling me to ask him out, and I'm like, shut the fuck up. xP Whoops. Sorry D. But omg, it'd be so fun. He's so cute. And we have the same taste in music. W00t w00t. Damnit though, each time I tell someone I like a guy, I always stop. And I know why. It's because people have to be stupid and be like, "ew, why?" or shit like that. And I'm like, fuck you. It especially bugs me when it's one of my best friends. (Not Damien, other b/f). So yea. o_o
Anyways, I havent been able to make graphics today, except for that one thing. It's SO pretty though. You cant even imagine. xD
I really gotta piss. I'm on my rag too. I hate it. As long as it's over the weekend, I'm good. Friggin a. xD
Going to bed now. I'm bored out of my mind.
PS: Damien, I guess that's how you feel about Damien..Damien? I meant Derek. Too lazy to hit backspace. Except you actually like him. -kicks you- Stop liking him damnit. Ok? Stop. xD
And make a blog about me, damnit. ^^