Sep 06, 2005 15:32
First day of school today. As you can tell by the title, I really hate Cupido. Really.
I also realize how much I like some people, and how cool they are; (even though they're really lame) :D
IE: Ryan.
Cupido should die. So should Clement.
I actually can't decide who I'd want to die first.
I know. Un-freakin-believable.
I had a lot more to say about friends and stuff; about how I have more friends/people I like than I thought I did.
But I forgot most of it. Meh.
I'm really sick and tired of not having a layout. I want to make one, but coding stinks.
We all know that.
So, I'll just steal one off someone else. Sorry to whomever is the stealee. (Get it, employer, employee? AHAHAHAHA.)
[[EDIT]] I fixed my layout. It's back to what it was. I did not realize that I changed it to the New System thing. Whatever, don't ask. =DD
I also changed the font colo/ur. It's more readable. Hah. You think this clashes? I was going to put it a lime green. :DD
[[FOR ME TO REMEMBER]] crushedviolet, _brokeandfamous