Nov 24, 2005 17:34

So, here's the MSN convo I had w/ Damien about my stupid, crappy day.
shaw= me
dazer= damien.

shaw: so, um. I REALLY wanna know our updated history marks. it's really bugging me.
and..i hate our band this year. not hate hate, but last year's was better.
and i hate my mom. as in, hate hate.

dazèr: me too! hes fuckin lazy.
yeah i know what you mean. supposedly nick hates me cause im egotistical.
what happened?

shaw: durr.
Nick Sperti? Eh? Who told you that? You're egotistical? YOU GUYS EVEN TALK? I'm lost. (=P)

I talked to my mom 2 weeks ago about chicago and she said, 'I'll talk about it w/ your dad." Which, I get it, I know the routine by now. It means, no, you're not going and I won't talk to your dad about it because I have the fucking memory of a goldfish. So I showed my dad the papers and I said,

dazèr: lol chris letke sais nick said he hates me or something cause im egotistical.

shaw: "sign it," and he read it and said, no, your mom won't go for it. so I was like, "HAHA!
try again."
So then blah blah, we argued, and he's like, don't swear at me because your mom won't let you go and I'm like, "WELL GO BLOODY TALK TO HER!" and blah blah, "It's not about the money."
Like, don't even fucking lie to me. It's always about the money, because we're fucking poor and it's about my mom being a nazi when it comes to me maybe enjoying a speck of my life.

And that's about it. Shut up, I'm not selfish, I'd just like to fucking do something fun in my life.
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