Title: Crucible - Catharsis, Part 2/5
Author: dancingdragon3
Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~ 6000 words
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Consensual and explicit incest, extreme angst (Those are not happening at the same time, btw. This part of the story does not contain BDSM.)
Summary: Ever wonder what would happen if Peter got together with Sylar after BNW, then Nathan got loose from Sylar's consciousness to confront him about it? Here's one thing that might happen. Set in a post-series future where Peter has his powers back and has been engaging in a twisted BDSM relationship with Sylar that includes snuff sex. On this night, Sylar has promised to give Peter what he really wants. Peter has no idea just how far Sylar will go to satisfy him, but he's about to find out.
Notes: This is an excerpt from a larger Petlar series. You should be able to follow this without having read the rest of the series.
Soundtrack Note: For background music, I suggest “The Last Day on Earth” by Marilyn Manson on repeat.
Beta and sexual content collaboration by
game_byrd. All hotness is due to her. The angst is mine.
Brutal Honesty Masterlist.
Crucible - Catharsis, part 1.