Title: Moments Like These
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Rating: Hard PG-13, soft R
Word Count: 395
Warnings: Incest
Summary: Nathan's inner musings of him and Peter
Disclaimer: If I owned them then I wouldn't have to play with them in stories.
A/N: Um, first Peter/Nathan. I only just watched the first season of Heroes about a month ago, and well, come on! Do any tv couples touch as much as they do? And Adrian and Milo, doesn't help that they are always touching, so really, how can you not?
This was weird to write because I'm so used to Kirk/McCoy, but oh well. This is just a little something that wouldn't go away since I've been reading Peter/Nathan practically non-stop. Have to go back and read all of that wonderful fiction after all. Oh darn ;)
This was wrong.