Title: Rites of Passage
Author: Anansi
Pairing: Arthur Petrelli/Daniel Linderman. Nathan/Peter. OC, Angela, mentions of other Company founders.
Rating/Warnings: NC-17+ for violence, including sexual violence/non-con, war, war crimes, racial slurs, death, and hunting.
Wordcount: Part 1 ~5,200/ Part 2 ~6,200
Spoilers: Season 1, Villains, 1961 and the graphic novels Truths and War Buddies.
Summary: The lifetime of friendship between Arthur Petrelli and Daniel Linderman, centered around their partnership before and during the Vietnam War, and around Peter’s coming of age during a hunting trip at Pinehearst. Friends and enemies, fathers and sons, create and transform each other through rites of passage. And Linderman watches it all.
Note: Initially for
these prompts (Arthur/Linderman in Vietnam, and Peter/Nathan dealing with the fallout of the deer-shooting at Pinehearst). My apologies to the OP for borrowing from both prompts while fulfilling neither. Partly influenced by Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth (1961). Thanks to
cadesama and
miss_miso for discussions about Arthur’s power. Further notes at the end of the story.
Link to Part I of II: Killing Games