Title: A Game for Fools
Author: Sinope (
Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: (read if you don't mind being spoilered) Het sex, genderfuck
Word count: ~6700
Summary: A year after Nathan loses Peter in battle, a campaign volunteer with a secret shows up at his office.
Notes: This is for
scribblinlenore, who gave the prompt "'Why' can be the hardest
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Comments 49
I love that a mature battle tested Peter can stand up to Nathan as more of an equal, enough to "trick" him and successfully manipulate him - look at Peter coming in to his own as a Petrelli.
I love that Nathan was so consumed with Peter/Anna that he became reckless - I hope that the show gives us an out of control Nathan for a tick. It would be nice to see.
Gah.... I just so love how Peter pulled a Nathan as did what he has to to protect his brother... and the sex. Really great!
Also, "pulling a Nathan" is so totally getting added to my vocabulary. ::grins::
Peter played him to perfection!
Thanks so much for the insightful, hot, beautifully written story. It made my day!
I love it when my matchmaking works =).
Isn't this so wonderful? And it's so different than anything that's been done with this pairing before. And as I said in my beta comments, Nathan with women is really hot. (Especially when those women are Peter.)
I love this story.
And, may I suggest a correction to your statement? Nathan with anyone is really hot. ;-)
I find it fascinating that you (and another commenter) phrased it as "for Nathan's own good." Peter has to justify it like that to himself, of course, but (as with most of Peter's "altruistic" actions on the show) I think he can be as self-centered as anyone else. He's just less honest about it. ;-)
Anyway, thank you for your very kind review, and I'm glad to have pleased!
Painful in the pretty achy way. Nice job. Really nice.
Thanks for reviewing.
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