One drabble, one fic.

Jan 31, 2009 17:17

Title: Human
Fandom: Heroes
Character(s): Peter, mentions of Nathan
Rating: T
Words: 205
Spoilers: none
Summary: Peter never used to smoke.
Author's Notes: Takes place during 5YG. Peter has a slight Claire-complex.

But that was a long time ago, back when Peter never used to fly, turn invisible, or save the world either.

Title: Meant for Greatness
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Peter, Arthur, Angela, mentions of Nathan
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: "I will not allow any son of mine to enroll in nursing school."

Arthur Petrelli stood, scowling, across from Peter.

author: jedimastercait, fanfic, rating: r, rating: pg13, ship: nathan/peter

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