Look At The Stars, Look How They Shine For You, Everything You Do, Yeah, They Were All Yellow

Sep 10, 2009 20:03

I came across some interest freeware today, thought I'd give a shout out.

Open office is a wonderful piece of software, almost as awe inspiring as Linux. And I don't just say that because Linux has a penguin as a mascot. ;)


It competes, or rathers kicks microsofts ass because, well, lets just say it... It's cheap.. Hell, I stand corrected... It's free!!!

Which certaintly takes the cake in regards to a certain someone's plus 100 dollar software which usually only covers three or four software programs.

While Open office, does not!

And I loved that. My Word 07 ran out of it's free trial on a newer laptop of mine, and I got fed up waiting on a sale of microsoft or shopping for that exclusive student discount that appears once in a blue moon.

I emailed my schools software/technical department, and they pointed me to open office. Oh how the gods shined on me when I visited the website. I almost cried! Six magnificent programs wrapped into one neat happy package waiting for me to open, or rather download. I really only needed three of them, but still, Christmas came early for this happy go lucky girl.

And it's not like they weren't compatible with my previous documents. No crazy errors, or pages and pages of jumbled blocks and letters. Just simple conversions. And I can still send documents to people, it opens fine on their computers with their word program.

So, if you're fed up with the man, or simply looking for the better deal, check them out. They've worked out a lot of the kinks, and a newer version is actually due soon. Keep you fingers crossed.


open office, green, shout out

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