Sweet, I ran my second 10k today. It's nice to be back in good enough shape to kick some ass on the pavement. Not only that but my wife is getting a new cruiser so that we can go biking together.
It's pretty sweet if you ask me. And to top it off I'm having brats for lunch because they're so damn good with barbeque sauce on them and I earned it.
Today's Thoughts:
1. DHL trucks are a lot cooler looking than UPS trucks.
2. The notepad icon on Windows XP has a translucent cover and the notepad icon on Windows 2000 has a solid cover.
3. Final Fantasy VIII is still the worst Final Fantasy.
4. Spicy dill pickles don't taste any different than regular dill pickles.
5. Reality TV needs more shows where the contestants are abused and beat down.
6. If there was a barbeque cologne I'd wear it.