» { post .oo1 | public } // TURN BACK THE PENDULUM

Oct 19, 2009 13:03

This isn't the-well, I don't think it... is... anyway.

Hello? Ummm... Hello? Is anyone there? This is Hinamori Momo, Lieu-

[A hesitant pause.]

-Lieutenant of the 5th Division and... ah. I was supposed to get to this place called Karakura to help my friends and this doesn't look like it's that place and I'm kind of in a hurry because I think I'm working under a time limit and I really don't want to keep them waiting not that they'd be expecting me anyway but still I really need to get to where I wanted to go because I just want to help out or something and is this place even remotely near Karaku-


-I think I'm really, really lost.

lol sorry too retarded to remember, where is porn face, wat at least it's sincere, baaaaw my buddies, where is wimpy, where is boobalicious, where is shorty, excuse her add, where my bitches at, being useless as usual, falalalala not a backstabbing bitch, wat i'm lost cut me some slack

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