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Sep 03, 2008 00:05

Ah, that wasn't a very pleasant curse. Ice helps keep the swelling down, if anyone was unfortunate enough to get cursed earlier. If you have a bruise, they say rubbing a boiled egg on the inflicted area helps! Though I don't know how that would work...

Captain Aizen always used to hate boiled eggs.

[filtered to Aiz

• • •
It's a little crowded here, huh? A new residence-I think I can go with that. And within a month's time, maybe I'll have a little companion to keep me company.

But... I think I'll need suggestions, first.

((ooc; gtfo of leech mode, Momo. Taking the likes/dislikes from here, please ping if you have any problems? IDK. ;o;

Edit: tagging for a bit before class.))

mmm roast duck in a month, really doesn't want to think about this, *scre why, baaaaw curse day, momo the leecher, momo why do you do this to yourself, what is my life, aizen aizen aizen, not affected, optimism get

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