still pissed

Jun 18, 2005 12:28

what the fuck is up all true ninjas and ninjets im the mother fucking crow on docs sholder i see all and hear all and as of late ppl been fucking up so heras what i say this is called mester nothing

i hear you call him names i hear what the fuck you say i hear when he's still nice to you i hear all those you do i hear when you fuck him over i hear when he gets little bolder i hear when you shot him down i hear when he acts the clown i hear when you all fuck up and try to blame that shit on some bad luck so here's what i have to say if your not with him then get fuck out of his you swear your his best friend but you tell him to fuck off again again why not hit him in face aleast after that he would get the blood teast i mean for fuck sake your prackely just spiting in his mother fucking face it's called responseibility and that fact that none of you have it is realy fucking illen me ok now lets talk about bf a little bit your where saying shit you shoulden have on the internet whould you like the crow to leak all your secrets or like always would you like him to keep it
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