A Quiz

Feb 05, 2007 20:43

Take it, if you're bored enough.

Five fondest memories: (they don’t have to be in order of most-least)

1) working on plays, covered in paint and talking to Kt Ricci and Katie Kehew
2) NYC-everything about it was wonderful
3) the Katie/Kt party
4) getting locked in Colleen’s Lauer’s basement and busting down the door 
5) getting three pints of Ben & Jerry’s & sitting at IP playground with the Katies

8 to 10 Favorite People At This Moment And Why: (again, not necessarily in order)

1) Katie Kehew-- for being my sister and the person who understands me most; for all the times I whined to you; for finding things in your drawers; for late nights spent talking and laughing so much we woke mom and dad up; for conversations with our eyes; for knowing me better than I know myself; for coming home just because I had a tough week; for letting me cry about stupid things; and many more that I can’t think of.

2) Katie Ricci-- for being the best friend I could ever ask for and the friend I trust most; for being there when I broke down; for craving french fries and/or buffalo chicken pizza with me; for sunbathing in the backyard; for being sarcastic and appreciating my sense of humor; for letting me make your bed; for never letting me down; and for so much more.

3) Ariel Lichaa- for being nuts and putting me in a good mood; for "poutain" and "pousac"; for not caring what other people think; for songs about my address; for sleepovers and apple pie; for secret languages (what were we thinking?!?); for visiting Mr. Weaver; for skipping down hallways singing songs we forgot the words to.

4) Jake Vaillancourt- for late-night phone calls; for making a pickle-and-Pringle sandwich and EATING it (ugh); for getting lost in Fall River (it’s really not that complicated); but mostly for a shared love of tuna fish, frosties, insane driving, death wishes, and annoying the rest of humanity.

5) Jeff Mandler- for taking all my shit; for understanding when I’m mean to you; for ignoring my flaws; for loving me even when I’m bitchy; for just laughing when I make fun of you; for The Day After School; for being adorable; and most of all for caring no matter what.

6) Taylor Vogl- for being a member of CHU (no matter what others say); for making me laugh; for being called "Tay-Tay" (*shudder*); for giving as good as you get; for having a "fan club"; for letting me leave notes in your backpack; and for having The Hair, no matter what length; for enduring the trip back from NYC with a very sleepy me; and for allowing me to give you a back massage (I don’t know what possessed me).

7) Peter DeAngelis- for wearing a pimp-cape to homecoming; for being a member of CHU; for making me be in group pictures when I didn’t want to be; for The Mug; for loaning me your Grim Reaper costume; and for being Taylor’s partner in crime. I don’t know how you two would survive without your lover’s spats and video game arguments :P

8) Charlie Pillsbury- for "shit, I wish!"; for making driver’s ed much more bearable; for offering to beat up anyone who upset me; for hating smoking just as much as I do; for making fun of my serial killer book; and for giving me your phone number when I said I wanted to die on Superman.

9) Greg Ferreira- for "now deal with it....*maniacal laughter*"; for study which never got boring; for eating crackers after school; for The Chemistry Song (I’ll still marry you); for creating the JAMBO tribe; for humming, snorting, squeaking your chair, and basically doing whatever it took to piss off McCarthy; for being a member of CHU; for giving amazing hugs; and for making me smile no matter what.

I will always be here if you need me. Let me help you. Call me anytime, even just to talk. I don't care if it's two-thirty in the morning---I WILL listen. Always. Just let me be the same friend to you that you've always been to me; that's all I ask.
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