so i'm RP deprived -.- Angelina's computer is broken or something...that's my theory anyway. Sarah, a mod in Rockwater, is worried about her, but i refuse to get worried. i've tried calling her, but her phone makes an odd sound when i do. anyway, it's lagging Rockwater. and i dunno what's up with Fate's End, but there are some posts of mine that need to be replied to. Sarah wants me to join a group she's in, but it's TOO fast. i'm actually a part of it, but i set it to where i don't get any emails. but this is becoming like my usual journal, so i'm gonna quit :p
oh, if anyone can reccommend some good writing communities, i could use some. i need something like the ones that play off a random word, but let me POST something more than a link.
on to the real reason i'm posting. i've got some pictures of Sylvane, courtesy of Nene Thomas. Sylvane's a hard was so hard to figure out what she looked like. brown hair, black hair, just a glider, or partly great hawk? i decided when i saw these pictures.
the wings are black in one, and white in another. i'm partial to the Faery of Ravens, which is the one with black wings. it looks more Sylvane-y.
but yeah, there she is. and she's part Great Hawk. how cool is that? that means i can make her 7 feet tall and have huge wings :D
off to find inspiration.