Jan 23, 2005 04:33
Writer's Note: this is something i'm writing for Rock Water right this moment. at this point in the plot, the holt is moving, because of a drought, so everyone's heavily dehydrated. only one elf has it as bad as Allegro and Alyial, and that's pretty bad, as you will see below. this also happens to be the entrance of two other characters, Windchaser and Sylvane. just so you know, Alyial has been unconcious for many moons, and Allegro has been watching over her, giving her water and sacrificing her own, therefore, she is severely dehydrated and has no strength whatsoever. since my last post, Alyial and Allegro have adopted a daughter named Darkfox. and, yes, this is MANY years after my last post.
Allegro was in a cart, doing the same thing she had been doing before - sitting and watching her lifemate. She had no strength what so ever, and while it would normally kill the Go-Back to show such weakness, she didn't care. She was vaguely aware of where her daughter was. Last time she checked, she was sleeping by her side. The white elf's vision was so blurred that she couldn't make out much. Her head pounded from dehydration, and it was all she could do to keep her eyes open. Her eyelids fell and rose, over and over, and her breathing shallowed. Everything started to spin, and her sunburn suddenly burst into intense pain. The Go-Back cried out loudly, hoarsely, and fell with a thud on the floor of the cart.
Alyial breathed in deeply and abruptly, as if she had just been woken up from a terrible dream. She squinted her eyes - daylight? Elves are nocturnal...why is everyone awake? The dark elf shivered and closed her eyes. Everything spun slowly around her as her eyes tried to adjust. Soreness settled in, and she couldn't move her legs. She sighed deeply and rubbed them, trying to get them to move, but they wouldn't. Her head started to throb softly, and she suddenly felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. Alyial buckled over in pain and groaned loudly. She stayed that way for what seemed like hours of agony, and the pain subsided slightly. She straightened slowly and looked around. The first thing she laid eyes on was the fallen figure of her love. With the strength of a dying wolf, she jumped to Allegro's side, rolling her over and shaking her. "Allegro! High Ones, wake up, Ally! Please, don't leave me now...Silverknife! Anyone, please help, what's going on? Why are we traveling? Why does my whole body ache? Why...why isn't she breathing!?" Alyial collapsed over Allegro's chest, coughing and sobbing. The screech of two great hawks made the dark elf bolt up, and giant shadows passed over the cart. "Oh High Ones," Alyial whispered, "High Ones help me..."