(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 22:23

well, it's been a while, or 3 days, whatever. on saturday afternoon i went to the county fair. i had a lot of fun over there. i am so happy with myself- i rode all of the biggest rides. like the samurai, the biggest, scariest looking one that is like a swinging ship but goes upside down and is huge. i also won a fish (my brother won two and my mom another) and now i have the fish tank in my room with all of them in it. it makes me happy. oh, i also named my fish samurai :0). Sunday was quite uneventful and i can't really remember anything that happened. oh! i just remembered! i saw red eye on sunday, it was quite good actually, much better than i had expected, i thouroughly enjoyed it. Today, my dad took another day off and we walked over to booeymonger's for lunch and made a stop at ben and jerrys on the way home. also today i finished the ap us project of death!!! *smug smile* i also read of mice and men, which i enjoyed, but it was very sad. maybe i liked it because it was sad? i like sad books, i just enjoy them more, i think it's better for not everything to work out perfectly, it's more real. but of course it depends on the book.

so, apparently i am obligated to put this in my journal:

1. Post a comment and I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie/book/fictional character reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of pudding or soft cheese to wrestle with you in. yeeaah, i dont think so.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me. Or at least me.
5. I'll tell you my favorite memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal or plant you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you; you must answer.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
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