(no subject)

Dec 14, 2004 17:19

ok. my secret santa sucks ass. and yes i know its technically 'advent angels' but i prefer the secular version. anyways, yes she sucks. its not fair, im not a greedy little kid, but i mean you should make an EFFORT. dont sign up for the program if you arent going to do it. sheesh.

i talked with mr hanchett after school today. well not exactly talked, more like got lectured. he seemed as though he was in a bad mood. or maybe just mad at me. anyways, i didnt want to listen to him because he was being a jerk so it all just flowed right through one ear and out the other. i dont want to talk to someone if im just going to be lectured, i like to be given the chance to speak without having what i say transformed into the negative, nor do i like someone staring me down like hes the kind of the world or something trying to scare the wits out of me.

Kelsey was being a butt today, like no other. i let it slip that im transferring mid year to her. bad idea. god she can be such a pain. she takes my notebook for example and taunts me by saying 'ill give it back if you promise you'll stay'. take my fucking note book, kelsey, i dont care. taunt me all you want, it will just make me more mad at you. and on top of it, during religion, she tells the whole class 'ELIZABETH IS LEAVING US' i mean, maybe i didnt want to tell EVERYONE yet, and i definately didnt want her to say it for me in the middle of class. it just makes me so mad. i think kelsey should just mind her own business for once.

i got my secret santa person the xmas accesory, i got santa dangly earrings and these fuzzy red slipper-socks. i want a pair :( . maybe for xmas....
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