a little update

Dec 11, 2004 04:24

well, im going to be leaving for the train station in about half an hour to go to ny. hoorah! but its early and im tired and blah. getting up early on a weekend is not cool. on the st johns issue, my mom has checked our tuition insurance and they say that we could get a refund of our tuition. :) . how i love my mother so for being careful, ah she rocks like no other. em. nothing much else has ahppened. i didnt go to st anselms because none of the friends were going (too ghetto. haha) but i had fun last night and went out to dinner with the mom, dad, and a friend of his. it was nice. spent a large deal of the night discussing my education and the pros of a christian brothers school and holy child. then onto college things which i dont know much about and therefore focused on eating during that. i still have to pack my brush. oh no! i cant forget. i probably will, but oh well. i better go. eat breakfast and pack my brush.

I apologize if this entry made no sense whatsoever. it was written at 4:30 in the morning so it probably doesnt.

tata everyone and viva new york city! oh and my kitty says hi...err..meow
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