I finally saw one---and he was sitting less than 5 feet away

Feb 27, 2006 23:04

My apologies for this long post, but it's a hell of a story. I left out some parts, so if you want a more complete account, please ask me sometime.

I went to see a film at the library tonight. The topic of the movie was basically anti-evolution, and I really wanted to see that side of the issue. I was at the very least entertained by the movie's laughable arguments, but I was more than disturbed by the subsequent conversation about the movie.

This movie was sponsored by the John Birch society in a series of films on "countering the New World Order". I'm not going to go into this political group very much, but after the movie, two members stepped forward to lead the discussion.

The setting was interesting. Of the maybe 25 people at the movie, about 8 were either ISU science department professors or undergrads. About another 7 or so were regular ISU science students, and the rest were either members of the John Birch Society or simply independent viewers. With such a situation, the ISU associates began critiquing the movie. Many erroneous statements were identified and the discussion soon fell to the age old "let's defend evolution" debate. The lack of topical understanding on the part of the discussion leaders (and those who criticized evolution) was rather apparent, and the discussion reached the typical stalemate.

My mother, being the type of person she is, eventually alluded to the Holocaust (in a very valid way, actually). The reaction from one of the discussion leaders was very startling. He made a vague statement that strongly hinted that he was denying the Holocaust. The discussion continued for a short period of time until my mother, wishing to clarify the earlier Holocaust statement, asked what the discussion leader meant. Another woman in the room added "She is trying to apologize if she was wrong in assuming that you were making such a statement." The discussion leader dodged the question with the answer "you all know what I mean"...

Then, a fellow in the front row began speaking and mentioned that he was a German. His words were, "I am going to state what this other fellow did not. The Holocaust did not happen in the way you say it did."

About 10 people promptly exited the building.

I can now say that I have seen a Holocaust denier in the flesh, as well as about 6 or so other nutjobs.
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