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Comments 17

sictransits December 22 2020, 02:12:53 UTC
I hope you receive all your parcels before Christmas!

Yay for baking! It all looks delicious!

Love your Christmas pajamas! =)


flyingharmony December 22 2020, 22:05:34 UTC
Thank you! <3333 It's looking grim, but no matter what, I'll be mailing parcels tomorrow haha, and just end the other stuff when/if I get it... ssucks, but it's better than sending nothing at all!

THANK YOU! <3333 It's all sooooo good, I'm so happy haha <3333.

ME TOOOO <333333


gelsey December 22 2020, 18:13:57 UTC

So I'm still waiting on one of your things because of course I am. So what else might you want from this side of thr pond? I might as well take time to make a proper care package at this point.


flyingharmony December 22 2020, 22:03:36 UTC
Ughhhhh, I know that so well, I'm in exactly the same situation with two friends as well, it' the wooooooorst :/ But gaaaaah seriously, you are the SWEETEST <3333. I will be happy with absolutely anything and everything coming from you! <3333 Very, very, very excited <33333.


gelsey December 22 2020, 23:27:58 UTC
I've decided to stop looking at the tracking, lol. Maybe it'll come when i stop expecting it.

The sad part is it should have arrived at a normal time for me to send on, but this year is definitely atypical.


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