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monkiainen August 26 2020, 09:50:59 UTC
LJ/DW USERNAME: monkiainen
COUNTRY: Finland

1. Favorite movie, book, TV show, music: Movies: Harry Potter, POTC, The Hobbit, LOTR. Book: HP, LOTR, The Hobbit. TV show: The Blacklist. Music: Nightwish <3
2. Outside Fandom favourites: Reading, and more reading!
3. What do you do for fun? Read, play Final Fantasy on PS4, knit, bake
4. What do you want from Jack Skellington? I LOVE candles, so they are a sure thing :) Also: funny socks, stickers, season-related books, yarn
5. What's the best gift you've ever received? Too many to mention!
6. What is your Halloween aesthetic/what would your ideal Halloween look like? Fall leaves, pumpkins, lots of candles
7. Favourite Halloween movie? Nightmare Before Christmas
8. What do you write about in your LJ? Real life, fandom-y stuff
9. Anything else we should know? :)

10. Will you be participating in Secret Pumpkin? Sure!
11. Are you going to or have you already filled out the google doc? Will do it in a minute

12. Obligatory Halloween-y GIF:


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