dear yuletide author

Nov 01, 2019 20:45

Dear yuletide Author! ♥

First of all - Hello! ♥ And Happy Holidays! ♥ I am very excited to be getting to know you in the near future; thank you so much in advance for creating my gift - I am very much looking forward to reading it. What I would like you to know is that, to me, it is most important that what you write is something you are comfortable with and that you enjoy working on it; you will find a list of things I love below, but these are merely suggestions, because no matter what direction you end up going to, I sure am going to love it!

I love angst. Anything angsty, really, angst is my crack and my favourite thing to read in fanfiction. I have to say, though, that, while I adore dark pieces in general, I am not fond of the extremes; so I'd prefer if there were no highly graphic stuff - no heavy torture or kinks (including PWP, m-preg, mutilation, etc) please, if possible! What I do not enjoy as much either are extreme AUs (i.e. modern!AU for ASOIAF, which is something I highly avoid - obviously not applicable of Yuletide, but it's always a good example) and most crossovers, nor do I tend to read very fluffy fluff in the written word a lot. It doesn't have to be all darkness, destruction and gloom (unless you want it to be!), but 100% fluff is not something I usually very much enjoy reading... Unless there is some depth to it! I do have a very soft spot for hurt/comfort and hints of romance in an angsty/dark piece, though.

And now, onto the fandoms! ♥

The Last Czars
Characters: Alexandra Feodorovna | Alix of Hesse-Dramstadt, Czar Nikolai II, Olga Nikolaevna Romanova, Maria Nikolaevna Romanova
Ships: Alexandra/Nikolai
I've always been incredibly fascinated by Russian History, particularly the last Romanovs. The more I read about them, the more I want to discover their relationships, their dynamics, everything about them, particularly their life outside the public, their family life, andAlexandra and Nikolai's relationship. When The Last Czars got released by Netflix then, I immediately binged all six episodes, cried my eyes out at the end, and did way more re-watches than I care to admit. So... If I could receive anything about them - particularly Alexandra and Nikolai, I ship them so hardcore - and even the Romanov children I didn't get to nominate (not necessarily Rasputin, though) - that would be the most perfect thing ever. ♥

Honestly, I just long so desperately for anything and everything regarding that show (and yes, I lean towards what we know from the show more than the real people, even though it's a DocuDrama), so... JUST GIVE ME ANYTHING. Anything at all. ♥ (Perhaps a happy ending for the family? My heart aches so much for them.)

The Worst Witch (2017)
Characters: Hecate Hardbroom
Ships: Hecate Hardbroom/Ada Cackle
Miss Hardbroom has been my favourite character ever since I was a child watching (and later, re-watching) the 1998 TV Show, and when I stumbled up on the 2017 one now, my love exploded into entirely new spheres, haha. I love Hecate. Honestly, I adore her so much - she's so strict but has this... strict gentility to her, and she always wants the best for her girls, including Mildred.

I know she wasn't nominated, but I just love her relationship with Ada, how burningly, fiercely loyal Hecate is to her, and how much these two love each other, even if they only share a glance or two. Whether in the romantic, platonic, or mother-daughterly sense! Everything Hecate just warms my heart so much, though <333.

Лучше чем люди | Better than Us
Characters: Georgy Nikolaevich Safronov, Arisa
Ships: N/A
Honestly, I'm still incredibly new to this show - I'm very slow with it, too, because I try to learn Russian with it, so I watch it with subtitles, but what I can say so far is that Georgy has stolen my heart. I don't know, I feel so hard for that man... Also, Arisa is incredibly fascinating - I still haven't quite figured out her disposition, neither do I really know where to put her... She's a whole big mystery. This entire show is somewhat a whole big mystery to me, I will admit. But a mystery hat has lured me in entirely.

Again, though, I want you to be happy with what you create - you are the author, and you decide on what to do or where to go. What matters the most is that you enjoy writing and creating. I really cannot wait to see what you come up with!

dear author, !public, yuletide

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