dear purim gifts creator

Jan 03, 2017 18:57

First of all... Hi! I am beyond excited that we share one fandom (or perhaps even more?) and that this has brought us together on this occasion. Let me tell you one thing, no matter what you decide to create for me, I will be absolutely thrilled with it - thank you so very, very much in advance! ♥ What I would like you to know is that, to me, it is ( Read more... )

dear author, !public

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flyingharmony April 10 2017, 17:50:54 UTC
I really, really did! They were amazing, all of them, and I adored that they were all from three different fandoms <3333.

OMG, that is... Horrible, I really don't know what to say except maybe I'm SO sorry that happened to you, and... Wow. Just... Wow. But I totally get where you're coming from with Fiamma - you could have easily included her a bit more, it's not that I hate her, I just don't care all too much for her, but I don't mind her appearance... She's an incredibly fascinating character, though - and I agree with you, she does come off as that but I can see deeper than that, and she is a quite impressive character ngl. And fascinating!

As for Miss G... While of course in no way I want to or am able to explain or excuse her behaviour in the movie AT ALL, I still feel so bad for her - there are just so many of these subtle hints that she, too, was exactly a victim of the school just like the other girls are... The five things on her drawer are just the first indicator there. She's a broken soul, and unlike Di she didn't manage to break free, neither from the school nor from herself... Fiamma was probably just the final straw that broke her in the end, which, again, does in no way excuse her behaviour...

And no worries! Get everything you like off your chest, I love reading about your thoughts as you know :D


honeymink April 10 2017, 21:09:36 UTC
*blush* I'm just glad you liked them. *hugs*

It was, what it was. I just said it to explain why I can't dislike Fiamma. I suppose I approach her character with a sort of fatalism stemming from my own experience - bad things happen to you, you try to defend yourself, nobody believes you (or maybe they do but they don't want to acknowledge it because it's uncomfortable and doesn't go with their world view), you die (and if not literally then inside).

And I agree with you where Miss G in the movie is concerned that was probably a victim of bullying herself while she was a student at the school, or at the very least she wasn't popular (that I draw from her outburst in that one scene where she tells the girls that they are unwanted and forgotten). Of course that doesn't excuse her behaviour. I think from a psychological angle she suffered from some sort of arrested behaviourial development because she still sought acknowledgement from the girls as if they were her peers though she was a grown woman. I tried to express that when I wrote your ficlet. As I said I could only do that because I could sympathise with the movie character to a certain degree. Miss G in the book though was a completely different story in my opinion.


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