dear yuletide author

Oct 02, 2016 19:22

Dear yuletide author!

First of all - hi! I'm really excited to be receiving a gift in this exchange from you. To make things rather brief, let me tell you that I will be absolutely happy with anything you create for me; what matters the most is that you are happy and comfortable with your piece. I, however, am a complete sucker for anything dark-ish, mysterious and particularly angsty (angst is my crack while pure fluff is not something I usually read, Crueltide is the keyword).

Generally I'm pretty open for anything, just please try to stay away from heavy graphic torture (including mutilation and the like as well as overly gory, graphic descriptions), PWP fics (I am generally not a huge lover of smut fic, so if you choose to stay away from it completely, that's perfectly fine with me!) m-preg, kinks such as watersports or scat, crossovers in general and extreme AUs (a good example for that would be modern!AU in the ASOIAF fandom which of course doesn't apply to Yuletide but should give an idea of what I mean). Otherwise, anything else is game!


Addams Family (TV 1964)
Character(s): Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams
Ships: Morticia/Gomez
There is simply NOTHING that goes over the beautiful love that Morticia and Gomez share! If you want to create a gen-piece rather than a shippy fic: All perfectly fine with me! But I'd rather you focus on Morticia there, since I have always been so incredibly fascinated by her... If you choose to go with Addams Family, I'd ask you to please stick to the 1964 canon - I've never really gotten into any other portrayals and could never see anyone but Carolyn Jones and John Astin as the "true" Morticia and Gomez.

Whatever direction you'll choose to go with will be fantastic there - I've been craving some angsty Morticia (or Morticia/Gomez, of course) fic for an incredibly long time because I've sort of missed real angst moments in the show - and the few ones were resolved way too quickly - but fluff or flangst would also just warm my heart! Whatever strikes your fancy will be perfect there.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Characters: Phryne Fisher, Elizabeth MacMillan
Ships: Phryne/Jack, Phryne/Mac
Oh God, I have no words for how very much in love I am with this show. I'm only at the end of the first season (but I don't mind spoilers), and honestly, I adore Phryne. I truly do. I could write novels about how much I adore her, haha. And I really couldn't decide with whom I ship her more - Jack or Mac. Speaking of Mac, I LOVE her. She's lured me in from the first moment on, fascinating me beyond belief, just like Phryne herself! And she's such a tragic character, really, OMG.

Just like with Addams Family, I've been looking for some angsty vulnerable!Phryne Miss Fisher fic everywhere but to no avail, so of course it would absolutely warm my heart to receive an angsty piece! If it starts going into a different direction, however, that's perfectly fine as well! Anything would be totally amazing <3.

Memoirs Of A Geisha
Characters: Mameha, Hatsumomo
Ships: N/A (but I do have an odd fascination with Mameha/Baron and could totally see Mameha/Hatsumomo!)
Mameha is one of my favourite literary characters ever. This book will forever remain my favourite and I cannot even express the love I feel for Mameha since the first time I read it. Same goes for movie!Mameha! Michelle Yeoh is absolutely GREAT for her and I couldn't picture anything else. All throughout the book, Sayuri has been given such great advice by Mameha over and over again and we got to see so much of her but then at the same time so little. She's so incredibly disciplined and never loses focus, but she is vulnerable, too, and thre have been rare moments where we see that. I do believe she had feelings for the Baron (and probably hated herself for it) and I do believe that she truly liked Sayuri/Chiyo not only because the Chairman set her up to train her. There is SO much to explore with this character, there are such endless possibilities, anything would just totally excite me!

As for Hatsumomo, she just fascinates me. Mameha suggests in the book that she has been a brat and a diva since her childhood, but of course something must be behind there. She's desperate to survive, and she's desperate to seek love and pleasure but that doesn't go together - maybe that's what made her bitter? What did make her bitter, what did in the end make her so cruel? Was it really jealousy of this pretty new girl or just blank fear that she wouldn't be able to survive if someone took her place? Again, there is so much to explore with her, it's just great!

The Mummy Series
Character(s): Evelyn O'Connell
Ships: Evie/Rick
One pairing I have come to ship fiercely are Evelyn and Rick O'Connell. I don't really have too much to say about them except that I turn into a giant bundle of feels when I think of them and that, if you don't choose to go the shipper way, Evie!centric fic would be amazing. The Mummy Returns is my favourite movie in the series I refuse to acknowledge the third one, mostly because it is so great to see that after nearly a decade Evie and Rick's relationship has blossomed in the way it did, and that they have crafted a truly strong, unbreakable bond that connects them, which is absolutely beautiful. I will be perfectly happy with any spot in the timeline you pick before the third movie, but The Mummy Returns canon would absolutely warm my heart and make me squeal out loud!

Again, though, I want you to be happy with what you create - you are the author, and you decide what to do. What matters the most is that you enjoy writing. I really cannot wait to see what you come up with! ♥

dear author, !public

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