Apr 22, 2006 22:24
General Patton once said that men go to war with each other because every man is at war with himself. And it's true. We're all made up of a hundred different conflicting sides, different perspectives we have of things, and they are constantly battling over which one is right. One side may believe that vengeance is justice, while another believes that everyone, regardless of their sins, deserves a fair shot at life. One side may feel that God has forsaken them, while the other simply finds that it's all a part of his master plan, or his unwillingness to interfere with free will. What your moral and philosophical stance is at any given point in time is entirely dependent on which side is winning the war within your mind and heart. And, like real wars, no one stays on top forever. The advantage in these grand battles depends heavily on resources and reinforcement from the environment around you. At some point, I can't help but worry: By surrounding myself with this pretentious irresponsible college kid atmosphere, have I or will I become a pretentious irresponsible college kid myself?
On an unrelated note, I awoke early thursday morning to the gentle sounds of some kid phoning in to a radio talk show. I don't know Ashland stations, so I haven't bothered re-tuning my alarm since I got here. See, I was about to face my first exam of College life. Unlike what I had expected, the exam was online. This was a plus. What was a minus, was that I have not bought any textbooks yet this term, and thus didn't have anything to study. I came to this realization at around 11pm the night before, and my choices were obvious: Either I fail miserably and ultimately become to the PI world what Kenan Thompson is to the acting world, or I facebook someone who has the same class, snag their AIM name, and get the information I need out of them. After about an hour or so of going over the dilemma of whether or not this would be crossing the thin line between innovative and creepy psychotic, I finally buckled and did what I had to. It paid off.
So, this brings us back to 8:30 am. I spent the next three and a half hours drifting between reading crucial chapters and nodding back into a dream that involved a bondage experience with Carrie Williamson and a roll of shrink-wrap (Tangent: This adds yet another chapter to nonsensical dreams about girls whom I've never been attracted to in that way before). When noontime hit, and the test was posted, I went to work. I got a 72 out of 100.
However, my level of being pleased with myself quickly dissipated when I looked to my clock and discovered that I had half an hour to shower and get my ass to US History. What did I do? I figured fuck it. Ella's in the class, she can update me on what I missed. This was a time to reward myself for a job well done. And, I almost wish that I hadn't skipped that class, because the end result was me being very, very bored. I sat in my boxers for some time, bored of tv, of videogames, of the internets, and in a moment of scratching my armpits, my eyes fell across my Gilette Fusion, and I got an amusing idea.
Yes, boys and girls, after much effort, my armpits are now hairless. I have to say that I kind of like it. The deoderant goes on much smoother now, though it certainly didn't do anything to sate the sting of razorburn.
Kids, next time your teachers try to tell you that college is HARD, and that you need to study harder than you do in highschool for it, don't buy into their shit. It's really quite boring.
On that note, I'm off to fap at a close-up of John Travolta's chin, using anti-bacterial hand sanitizer as lube.