Aug 24, 2011 19:14
talking to myself again
a few corners - away from the main corridors and chambers that are filled with voices and robots and more robots - i still like to hide in between the inclines in the architecture
if i wasn't so seriously worried about myself, then i could be upset - i haven't cried yet - i haven't cried in so long, i should have known something was wrong
when adults would tell me that love happens again and again, i would grow indignant - i was sheltered but not daft - i knew about the "true" part of love: the part that made it all worth while... the part people were afraid of... the singular defining moment of being
what i could never have understood was just how defining heartbreak would be in my life
now i go back into the incoherence of reality, until the next time this defining bell reverberates, and my longing salivates accordingly