Nov 10, 2007 14:42
1. I just registered for classes, even though my time technically started on Monday. It was nice for once to not have to worry about logging into Presto exactly at 9AM (since all of my classes I was either already consented for, or are in the Computer Science department). Though, I still have to decide really soon whether or not I want to take Teaching and Tutoring Writing this semester. I applied and got in, but I've been told to take it in the fall with Podis instead.
2. My mom and I got back from Venice last night, landing at 11PM in the middle of a blizzard. Okay, so not a _real_ blizzard, since only about an inch and a half of it stuck, but still: snow! Then I got home at 2AM and couldn't sleep until about 5 because I was sick and cold and my throat hurt.
3. Venice was lovely, mostly because it was warm and sunny the whole time. On the other hand, I saw more Americans there than I had seen in the past three months, which was scary. Venice is really a tourist town - it's hard to see or believe that there's anything else there. But we walked around a lot, saw a multitude of churches and old, old Byzantine buildings, ate a ton of delicious food, and spent late afternoons holed up in our hotel playing Gin Rummy and watching BBC World.
4. I am not a good traveler. I get alternately indifferent and irritable - not a good combination. I commend my mother for not hitting me.
5. Before we left, I found out about that wonderful thing in the world of research known as a consent form, and the fact that I need one to use any of the amazing interviews I'm having and intending to have. And really, I guess it's not that huge of a deal, but it was one more thing added to the stack of crap I needed to worry about but couldn't do anything about until a week later (aka now).
6. Having my mom in Stockholm was something I was actually pretty worried about, especially taking her to Skeppis, since these are places I've found second homes in. And having my mom visit them felt a little like introducing an ex to a new lover. But they got on really well. Overall, I think, actually a nice visit.
Now I am feeling procrastinatory and throat-scratchy. It's cold here by the window in the lab and I tell myself I should either go home or do something I really need to do, but I know I'll just sit here listening to lastfm (at the moment I absolutely can't wait to get the mix Hillary made me last winter out of storage and listen to it on repeat) and writing long emails, which is important in its own way.