Apr 17, 2006 02:01
Hey dudes, (that's how we talk out here in Cali....except not)
Anyway, I went to a talk today - by Seth MacFarlane, the Family Guy GOD. He was amazing and everything I'd hoped for. He was funny...he showed us a draft episode that won't air until something next year (mwahaha), which was hilarious. One theory was that it was just the atmosphere in the auditorium that made it good. Another was that the censors hadn't gotten to it. No, but seriously, he is amazing. He started with this story about how when he was ten, he wrote a comic strip for a newspaper, and one week had an offensive church one. Something about a kid getting communion and asking if he could have fries with that. Anyway, the parish priest wrote to him to reprimand him, but Seth didn't feel bad. Instead, his reaction was something along the lines of "when I grow up, I want a job where I can insult God EVERY day." Sorry if this offends anyone...but if you've seen Family Guy, you must suspect this of him. There was also this SUPER akward lady who wanted money or something for her brother. She mentioned her brother, who had helped Seth with the pilot, and how the brother had been forgotten after that. Seth handled it well, in my opinion. (I'm sure she disagreed, though.) He was like, "it was a work for hire, and that was very explicit....blah blah blah." He also started out by saying how akward the situation was, which is really the best thing to do in akward situations. Anyway, I'm done babbling about Seth. But notice the first name basis we're on. Pretty cool. Not that I actually talked to him, but you know.
It's funny how having to write a paper is such inspiration for a livejournal post. Why is that? I don't want to write the paper, because I don't like writing....but then I come and write on livejournal. One of the mysteries of life or something.
Ooo, today's Easter. Well, technically yesterday, I guess. Happy late Easter anyway! I'm still trying to get rid of my candy. I have so much, and I've eaten so much. It's bad. Kershena and Nandita are off their no-candy Lent thing (which by the way, was for fun. They're not Catholic. Wierd), so that's good. Though it was fun tempting them. Also, I feel I should mention the dear Jessica L. (I would write your whole name, but that would be sketchy, because then people would stalk you...not that you know anything about that ;) - because she will probably be one of the few people reading this. She hasn't come to see me this weekend though, even though I facebook-wall-posted her to come visit. It made me a little sad, not gonna lie. But it's okay. Not my fault everyone is eating her Reese's Eggs.
Okay, back to the paper, so maybe there will be some glimmer of hope for sleep tonight. Or maybe not. Whatever.