So, it looks like I found a new fandom? I love it, I'm obsessed, I ship it so hard it's physically painful, and thank God for
biftec and unlimited text messages, so... Yeah, new fandom. The Raven Cycle!!
You should join me! And then send me long emails with your thoughts!! There are 3 books, with the 4th & final one being released this fall. There is also a smallish amount of fic, with more being written (in part by me)!
HERE is an excellent summary of the Raven Cycle's awesomeness, but I will attempt to entice you as well.
You might enjoy the Raven Cycle if you like some of these things:
Modern fantasy, boys with poor impulse control, ridiculous quests, fast cars, prophecies, canon het & M/M, Tarot cards, posh private schools, the cyclical nature of time, doomed romance, families of choice, and/or magical forests. And excited emails from me!
So have I convinced you? Have you already read them? TELL ME ALL YOUR THOUGHTS. *chinhands*