Title: Johanna's Christmas Gift
Fandom: The Hunger Games (College AU)
Pairing/Characters: Katniss/Peeta, also featuring Jo and Finnick
Rating: Teen
Length: 2,300 words
Summary: Jo narrowed her eyes. Kat and her little baker boy needed a good kick in the pants.
Notes: Written for the Write-Me-A-Story challenge on Tumblr, where it won Reader's Choice, Judge'sChoice, and Best Other Character!
Read the story here. Title: Transferred
Fandom: Gotham
Genre: Gen
Characters: Jim Gordon, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle
Length: 1,000 words
Summary: Bruce needs to talk to the Detective in charge of his parents' case. Wherever he may be.
Notes: Written for my first Yuletide!
Read the story here.