Jul 07, 2007 01:56
I remember when I used to put everything in this thing.. now I feel like that would be the most boring thing ever.... It would say "today I hung out with Sam and Krissy" Then the next day "today I hung out with Sam and Krissy" and maybe I would be able to switch it up and say "today I hung out with Krissy and Sam" or I could call her Sham one day and Sam the next. Throw in working at butt fucking sears a few times a week and that's my life. Sleeping too lots of that. Well I will tell you what happened today even though no one is reading this at all because it has been like 50 months since I last updated and anyone who even checked it hopefully after that I'm sure has given up hope on me. I got a new bathing suit, shoes, some shorts and some tank tops to bring to Bermuda.. two weeks until we leave.. WOOT WOOT. and no I have not stopped saying "woot woot". I can't wait until HP and the Deathly Hallows come out but after it does I have nothing to live for.... sad and pathetic I know. oh well such as life. Been hanging out with some random ass people this summer. One group like Kevin and Devin thanks to James and another like Nick, Ryan and Will thanks to Sears. They are all pretty cool so far. Also hope I'll be hanging out with Beccer a lot more cause she is DA BOMB and as usual I am hanging out with Krissy and Sam and that's still cool too. School this year will hopefully rock my socks. Will Sham Shimco in like 5 out of 7 classes how can it not. I even get Beccer for a class, Rad. I should have hit the hay by now cause it's 2:03 AM but hey you know how it is. Unlike the good old days Anthony, Krissy, Russell and I don't have out anymore. Anthony is to cool and has to many other friends to hang out with us and Russell has been gone even longer. Its a shame when I read all the fun shit we did, good thing I kept track in this dumb thing. I have no idea why I am still typing to no one. but I kinda like just typin' it up. Nothing else to do anyway. I think I need to get some help for an addiction to dying my hair.. it'll fall out eventually but until then I just want to keep dying it. well Barbara is moving back in, in about 2 days time she will be fully back in this house. Sucks I know but gotta do it can't let her live on the street according to my parents but I think we should just let her try it out and see if she likes it.. We keep the baby she moves into a box.. everyone is good.
I'm going to bed.