Mar 11, 2009 15:30
'ello love. Long time no see.
Today's going really well so I decided it would be a great chance to mend the severed ties between me and my livejounral. My semester started last week, so I'm still getting settled into classes and whatnot (while my friends at home get settled into Spring break). Klagenfurt has been improving quite a bit. January was a lot of fun, but several really good friends left because they were only here for 1 semester, then I woke up one day and suddenly didn't know anyone left in Klagenfurt. But then unexpectedly one day the sun came out. Literally. It didn't shine for 3 months, so it was quite a depressing winter. I'm not saying I didn't have fun, but I certainly didn't like the city of Klagenfurt. Until, that is, one day last week I was walking home from the conservatory and I realized that this strange little town has grown on me. I don't miss home as much as I used to, so it's been easier just to sit back and enjoy the music. And now that I have a bike, a piano teacher, a couple really good classes, and a few new friends who have grown on me like a PC virus, life in Klagenfurt doesn't seem quite so dull.
For lent this year I gave up streaming videos. It's like giving up television online, basically. So far it's been working out really well. The only tv show I've been obsessed with has been Skins (really good, you should check it out), and I've been several weeks without my daily dose of the Daily Show and the Office. Oddly enough, I like it this way, too. Don't get me wrong, I would love to go catch up on the entire season right now, but I know when I go to bed tonight I'll be happier that I practiced or went outside. I guess that's what addicitions are all about. Indulging at the moment. I'm quite bad at that.
Last weekend I was in Vienna. I had a great trip, but the city is overrated and dull. Don't go.
Alright guys and gals. I would love to continue summing up everything that's happened in the last month and a half, but I need to do my homework, and before class would be ideal. Have a wonderful week! Here's to loving Wednesdays, my former arch enemy.