Jan 24, 2007 01:11
Over five years of memories have been lost forever due to too much current running through my hard drives. I feel a strong sense of emptiness when I think about the things stuck on those stupid discs that I might never see again. I was counting on the things they stored to help me deal with change--especially with graduation looming overhead. Being able to look back with the click of a mouse was going to be my way of dealing with it. Opening up pictures from years ago could instantly take me back, if only for a moment, to some amazing experiences I've shared with friends. Reading something I wrote for Scott could remind me of my first true love. Opening up a photograph I'd taken or a story I'd written could remind me of the times when I pretended I /could/ write or take pictures.
A part of me feels like I'm being melodramatic, but another part of me says, "Fuck, man, that's over five years of your life you can't get back." Maybe it was a crutch to hold on to the past, but when the past has been that fucking good to you, why wouldn't you cherish it?
Eric said he'd work his magic to see what he'd recover, but the chances are like slim to none.